Now that we've talked about relationships and dating in college, let's talk about how those relationships might change after college. What do our students think their futures will look like? …
Episode 36: Relationships and Dating Part 2
Welcome back to part two of our relationship and dating series. In this episode we will be focusing on what dating in college is like - including the good, the bad, and the ugly! …
Episode 35: Relationships and Dating Part 1
Episode 20: Stress Basics
In this episode, we start a new series all about stress. This week we talk about what stress is, how it's a reaction to life, and the general issues that arise from it! …
Episode 23: Controlling Stress
In this episode, Dr. Peterson talks about the relationship between control, stress, predictability, and freedom. …
Episode 15: Navigating the Dating Scene
In this episode of Uplift, Dr.Peterson and the GUADS staff revisit the topic of dating! Topics discussed include dating dos, dating don'ts, and everywhere in between. …
Episode 4: Successfully Navigating Your Twenties
On this episode we talk with Dr. Michael Peterson and how to successfully navigate through your twenties. He addresses topics of necessary life skills, expectations that lack realism, how following your passion may not be the best option, wayfaring, career capacity, flexibility, the idea of control, …
Episode 12: Communication for Healthy Relationships
Relationship issues? Dr. Danielle Catona joins us today to talk about Communication for Healthy Relationships. Why is it so important and how can you improve it? Dr.Catona gives us the facts! …
Episode 12: Communication for Healthy RelationshipsRead More