Huzzah, the follow up Strong Arms post! If you didn’t read Exercises For Strong Arms – Part 1, check it out here: Do these exercises on their own or paired with those in Part 1 and give those limbs some love!
6. Dumbbell Row
- Holding a dumbbell in one hand with your other hand and knee resting on a bench, keep your back straight and your elbow slightly bent with your palm facing inward.
- Ensure that your bent knee (on the bench) is aligned under your hips and your hand under your shoulder.
- Engage your core and squeeze your shoulder blades together, lifting the dumbbell upwards until your upper arm is parallel to the ground, with your elbow behind you.
- Return to the starting position and repeat, followed by switching sides for another set.
7. Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing
- Standing with your feet apart by a shoulder-width, hang your arms in front of you whilst holding a kettlebell with both hands.
- Bending your knees, lower the kettlebell downwards between your knees.
- In one swift movement, straighten your legs out of the squat whilst swinging your arms forwards and up to eye level – the kettlebell should feel practically weightless as it reaches the top of the movement.
- Either repeat for a set number of reps or continue the movement to time sets.
8. Plank To Push-Up
- Beginning in a high planking position (i.e. on your hands instead of your elbows), keep your arms directly beneath your shoulders and maintain core engagement.
- One at a time, lift your arm and place your elbow down, ending in a traditional plank position.
- Return your arms one at a time to the starting position and repeat
9. Triceps Dip
- Sitting on the edge of a bench, bend your knees at 90 degrees and have your feet firmly planted on the floor.
- Gripping the bench with your hands on either side of your hips, push your glutes up and off the bench, and then lower your body 2-3 inches down as you bend your elbow whilst keeping them close to your body.
- Then, slowly raise your body back to the starting position and repeat.
10. Dumbbell Punch
- Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold your dumbbells and keep your knees loose (slightly bent – not locked back).
- Lift your arms and punch them straight out in front of you, alternating each and keeping the dumbbells at shoulder level as you do.
- Avoid jerky movements by allowing your hips to naturally move with your body as to punch, and repeat sets for a timed period.
All of the exercises can be done with just a bench, a dumbbell set, and a kettlebell which all are easily accessible in the comfort of your own home as well as the gym. They are simple yet effective, and with consistent commitment, these exercises will increase your strength and give you some chiseled definition in no time!
Written by GUADS intern Sara with contributions from ( and edited by GUADS staff member Kate