Vacation is a time to unwind, relax and make memories with our loved ones. Travelling to new areas allows us to try new cuisines, sip on fancy beverages and definitely stray from our usual eating rituals. While life is all about balance and moderation, you don’t want to leave your vacation feeling sluggish and worst than when you arrived. At least 86% of travellers reported gaining an average of up to 3 pounds when away from home for two weeks or more. This weight gain is known to stem from a sense of entitlement. In other words, the average person believes they shouldn’t deny themselves anything on their hard-earned time-off. Here are some simple tricks to enjoy treats while also keeping your health in mind.
Eat Breakfast
Breakfast is one of the easiest meals to make healthy while on the go. Buffets, airports and continental breakfasts almost always offer a variety of fruits, whole grain breads, low fat yogurts and oatmeal. These are simple grab-and-go foods that will fill your stomach and prevent you from going overboard later in the day.
Schedule Meal Times
Most hotels and resorts offer their meals during set times of the day. Try to plan at least one or two meals around these times, while still leaving room to try out new restaurants, street food or fun treats. If you enjoy snacking throughout the day, you can pack your usual healthy snacks in your carry-on or luggage so you have them with you throughout the trip.
Consciously Indulge
Vacation is a time to “let loose” from your normal routine. By no means am I saying deprive yourself of baked goods and rare cuisines. By “indulging on purpose,” you are consciously making the decision to indulge in a food that you are excited about. This prevents you from binging on all of the desserts at the buffet and allows you to truly savor eat bite of your favorite thing.
Fill Your Plate with Veggies
When possible, eat as many vegetables as you can! Buffets almost always have a salad bar and you can always swap out a side of French fries for a vegetable based side. Adding veggies to your plate is a great way to sneak in micronutrients and fiber, while also still indulging in your favorite treats. This is a great practice of balancing your plate to be healthful while also enjoyable.
Vacation is certainly a time to enjoy life, but you certainly don’t want to go overboard. Follow these simple tricks to leave feeling just as good as you did when you arrived!
Written by GUADS intern Lindsey with contributions from