For many college students, as the spring semester fast approaches, comes the notion of finding a job. Throughout college, and potentially from family members, college students are bombarded with the sentiments that what they are doing now, will prepare them for the real world. But as someone who worked in the “real world,” let me tell you, that place is confusing.
For one, no one tells you that the job searching process is hard. It is like having a full-time job. It takes work. And that shouldn’t discourage you! Taking the time to work on your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile, as well as your elevator pitch is important, as those tools will help you to land a job that you enjoy! The second thing that seems a little off-putting, is that sometimes movies, media, and more make it seem as though as soon as you graduate from college you will ultimately land in exactly the best role for you.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is false. Finding a good job that aligns with what you are looking for takes time and patience. In the business world, there is a term for this situation.
Personality-Job Fit and Person-Organization Fit
There is actually a whole theory in business dedicated to this exact phenomenon! Personality-Job Fit is exactly what it sounds like. Does your personality, characteristics, desires as an individual, match the roles and responsibilities of the job? For example, if you are someone that enjoys interacting with people and moving around then maybe an accounting job wouldn’t work best as that role focuses heavily on numbers and data.
Person-Organization Fit is different. This relationship has become more well-known as of late, due to the increase in millennial employees in the work place. This situation examines the organizational culture, and what is expected of employees, and does that mesh with the individuals needs and desires?
Time to Be Selfish
It is important to try and match your desires as an individual, to the role of the job AND the culture of the company as closely as possible. These comparisons do not always seem top of mind for college seniors, or even individuals searching for a new role. Yet, why aren’t they? It is time to focus on what you want. Take the time to truly vet the employer during your interview just like they are doing to you.
Don’t forget, you want to be just as happy in your role, as they want to be happy with you joining their organization. Spend the extra time to see if you feel as though you could fit in. Do the employees take their lunch breaks, or do they eat at their desk? Are those individuals clocking out on time, or do they put in an extra two hours at the end of a long work day? Do those behaviors match what you are looking for?
And, never forget to counter your job offer! Happy job hunting!
Written by GUADS staff member Paige