All too often when an individual decides they are interested in becoming healthier, they might have some preconceived notions of what that means. Eat “good” foods, work out and you should lose weight – right? While those changes definitely help in the long run, sometimes a very blatant source that can be causing one to flounder is right in front of them each and every day! Your home space, the place you spend a large majority of your time, can have a drastic impact on your success. Without even realizing it, from the moment you wake up your home base is impacting you in a lot of different ways. Your mood, the food environment, your ability to recharge all stem from where you lay your head at night!
Picture this – you woke up and went to take a shower in the morning and the water was cold because your roommate got there first. Then, you go into the kitchen and are faced with a counter filled with junk foods and snacks. Afterwards, you walk into a cluttered living room when you may naturally be a cleanly person. What could have been a simple get-out-of-the-door kind of morning, has now turned into a stressful or uncomfortable experience. Tie in the fact that each and every day we are faced with other challenges such as schoolwork, coworkers, traffic, and even individual experiences that can impact our mood, it is understandable that by 3pm you may be craving a sugary-sweetened beverage or start digging in your bag for a snack.
Why is it that we focus so much of our energy onto whether or not we are eating well, and exercising and not taking a moment to see some bigger picture experiences that can be impacting our ability to succeed at doing so?
Make your home space, your home base for recharging, relaxing and resetting yourself for success!
Set Yourself Up for Success
1. Keep your room tidy – A less cluttered atmosphere can lead to feeling calmer.
2. Lighting – Do you live in a dorm with florescent or really harsh lights? A Himalayan Salt Lamp, or a bedside table lamp can help create a space which is less harsh on your eyes.
3. Smells – A wall plug-in or air scent can help make the room smell great! I enjoy clean, airy smells but you might prefer something more fall scented for this time of year.
Never feel stuck or ashamed if you feel as though your place of tranquility is actually stressing you out. Try to identify what it is that is impacting your home space and change it up. Some things we have less control over, but it never hurts to try something new.