Salads are an ideal approach to increasing your vegetable intake and reducing your consumed calories. Although, if you find yourself eating a salad and feel unsatisfied or hungry only a couple hours later, your approach to a salad may not be what is right for you! Below are some tips to leave you feeling full and energized while making sure to get in your greens!
Begin with a base of your choice
Rather than choosing iceberg lettuce, try kale or spinach to increase your vitamin C intake.
Add a grain
Top your greens with 1 cup of brown rice, quinoa, or bulgar. By adding carbohydrates to your salad, you will feel more satisfied and increase your energy levels.
Add a healthy fat
Adding nuts, seeds, or avocado to your salad is beneficial for your hormones, heart health, and brain functioning. You will also remain full for a longer period of time.
Cook your veggies
If your stomach becomes upset after eating a salad, it may be due to overconsumption of raw vegetables. Try sauteing a variety of vegetables such as peppers, onions, or squash. Putting these over your grains and greens will increase digestibility while still providing nutrients.
Add a protein
Top your salad with canned tuna fish or chicken, chickpeas or beans, or tofu. Protein is an essential nutrient that will increase satiety and keep you full for hours.
Don’t be afraid of the size
Because you are taking in vegetables, it is essential to remember that they are low in calories and high in fiber. Having a large amount of greens and vegetables is a great way to keep you full.
By following these tips, you will be sure to have a nutrient-dense salad that won’t leave you feeling hungry!
Written by GUADS intern Isabel