Ever feel completely overwhelmed with a to-do list a mile long, a phone that does not seem to stop buzzing, and a stack of textbooks starring you in the face? Don’t worry – you are not alone. College students, and even employees across America are tasked with having to do more, with less time, each and every day. Despite whatever time they go to bed, often they wake up in the morning not feeling rested due to how much they feel they have to accomplish during the day. For someone who can easily struggle to fit in many tasks during the day, let along try to add in some healthy choices as well, I can completely understand. And yet, I have found a simple trick to help snap out of a bad mood and feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever is waiting for me
Cue the Music
Music has an ability to transport listeners into a state of revamp, relaxation, or reflection with ease. How does taking a little over three minutes to pause help make healthier choices? Sometimes, the initial pause can help individuals get out of a rut of constantly thinking about all of the upcoming unpleasant things they have to do. Another benefit of taking a moment to listen to a pleasant song, or pump-up playlist can be that music can remind listeners of a happier moment of the last time they heard the same song. With applications on smart phones and laptops such as Spotify and Apple Music, music fanatics can find pre-created playlists around specific events or emotions for this exact reason. Examples such as, “Songs to Sing in the Car” or “Have a Great Day” on Spotify, and “Acoustic Memories” on Apple Music are readily available to help shift into a different mindset one is looking for.
Press Play
If you want to create a specific emotional experience, then you can create your own playlists. About to quit your job? Create a “Freedom” playlist with all of the songs that express your joy to leave behind a horrible boss! Need a specific workout playlist to help get you on your feet when you feel yourself coming up with excuses?
Try it out!
Written by GUADS staff member Paige