Reading can truly be a saving grace. During this time of so much downtime, it can feel like there are so many hours in the day and what the heck are you going to do with them that doesn’t feel lazy or a waste of time. I’ve found that what is keeping me most centered is my
newfound love for a good book. It’s keeping my mind sharp and making me feel productive while doing something just for me. And right now, we all need something that’s “just for us.”
What else can reading do for you?
Reading exercises your brain, it can relieve stress and tension, help with depression, improve your memory, and help you focus more, as well as strengthens your writing abilities. The added bonus I’ve found is that a nice book can help me fall asleep at night much better than scrolling through my iPhone does! If that’s a challenging concept for you, just leave your phone on your dresser away from you.
They even say that students who read 20 minutes a day score of 90% better than their peers on reading tests! (I don’t know about you but I’m always looking for a way to get those grades up!)
Book Club/Subscriptions
Truly, there’s nothing more fun than getting together with some like-minded friends and starting a book club. There are so many book options out there, as well as book subscription options. It doesn’t get much easier than that! They’ll send the book to your home and then you can talk to all your friends about it.
Give reading a shot. It’ll surely surprise you and when it does, pass your book on to the next person! Reading truly is the gift that keeps on giving. Let me know what you think of any book suggestions you’ve got for me!