Like many of us, I love this time of year! The lights, the music, the cheer - just love it. However, if you are on a budget (#GradStudentLife), this time of year can also feel daunting and hard to navigate. With multiple Secret Santa, White Elephant, Hannukah parties, etc. on top of honeys, friends …
Mindfulness and Exercise
What do you think about when exercising? Is it a time for you to let you mind wander, or do you tend to stay focused on the task at hand? I recently found myself becoming incredibly bored when working out and started to question if I could incorporate some meditation or mindfulness techniques into …
6 Tips For Stress-Free Travel
Whether you are flying, bussing, or driving, travel (especially around holidays!) can be STRESSFUL. Everywhere you look is expensive flights, horrible traffic, long lines, stern TSA employees (we hope not!) - it can be really overwhelming. So here are some tips for the most stress-free travel this …
Mid-Semester Burnout?
Well, everyone, we've made it (halfway). But now that mid-semester is nearly here, so is the burnout. Burnout tends to get the best of us, and most of the time, we don't even notice burnout till it's really affecting us. You're not alone in this though, at one time or another, we've all experienced …
Weekends Made For Wellness
Have you ever had a great week where you’re making healthy choices about every day? You’re eating well, cooking your own meals, getting to the gym, and then…the weekend rolls around. Ah yes, how I have a love/hate relationship with weekends. It’s easy to think of the weekend as time to enjoy …
Why Rock Climbing Rocks
Have a fear of heights? If so, you might want to skip this article! However, if you're ready to tap into your ~adventurous side~ and get a killer workout, this article is for you! Rock climbing, whether it be up a cliff, a boulder, or an indoor climbing wall, has numerous health benefits. Some of …
How To Tame Anxiety
A moment of vulnerability and honesty: this time last year was probably the hardest and darkest time in my life - there was an incident that caused my anxiety to spike to an all time high, which meant that eating, sleeping, and focusing on work and school were not only a challenge, they felt …
Affirmations For Positive Thoughts
Last year, GUADS put out an Uplift Podcast episode all about Body Image. Now, I'm not going to give it all away (give it a listen!), but I thought now might be a good time for a post about affirmations. It's normal to occasionally not feel your best, your hottest, your smartest, etc. Ideally these …