What is the single best strength-building exercise many of us could be incorporating into our exercise routine? Consult enough exercise scientists and the latest exercise research, and the answer would likely be a resounding: squats. For lower-body strength and flexibility, there is probably no …
4 Accessory Exercises Towards Bigger Squats
Building a bigger squat does require performing squats as a part of your workout routine, however, squats alone may be limiting your strength. Accessory exercises are an integral part of building strength and putting up bigger squat numbers. These accessory exercises will help build strength in …
Ready to Tackle Leg Day?
Leg day is a controversial topic. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people don't even do it! However, it is a necessary evil. Lower body workouts burn a ton of calories, boost muscle growth, increase power production, and prevent injury! Ready to get rolling? Check out this lower …