Dealing with a sticky situation in regards to friendship, relationships, or with fellow peers is never fun. There is a part of you that wants to remain resilient, yet choose to acknowledge what went wrong leading up the situation. In my own experience, being the bigger person involves these four …
Improving Your Health Care In Two Minutes: Episode 2
Welcome to the 2nd episode of Improving Your Health Care in 2 minutes! Last episode was on "How to be your own first responder" (read it here!) and today's will cover "How To Communicate With Your Doctor"! While we of course need healthcare professionals, I think sometimes people forget that it is …
Improving Your Health Care In Two Minutes: Episode 2Read More
What’s Life Without Adventure?
Sometimes getting ourselves to the gym can be a redundant routine which we may eventually begin to loath. Hiking is a great alternative if you need a change in scenery or are seeking a little adventure. What's not to love about the great views, fresh air, and sounds of nature? And even better, …
Fun in the Sun!
Even though summer is coming to an end, most of us still want to spend as much time as possible in the sun! The thought of working out in a sweaty gym is just not on the same level as being outside. Luckily, there are tons of ways to stay active while also soaking up some rays. After all, being in …
Why Mental Health Days are Essential to Living Healthy
Are you feeling stressed with work or school and need some time to recharge? Consider taking a mental health day! A mental health day is time away from your usual responsibilities with the intention of recharging your mental health. Mental health days can help you destress while improving attitude, …
Why Mental Health Days are Essential to Living HealthyRead More
Bedtime: Not Just for Kids
I'm not afraid to say it--I have a bedtime. Normally this is anywhere between 10 and 11 at night (depending on when I finish up my work). Most people tend to focus on the amount of sleep they get when in reality, regularity is just as important. Having a sleep routine can lower your risk of obesity, …
6 Tips For Stress-Free Travel
Whether you are flying, bussing, or driving, travel (especially around holidays!) can be STRESSFUL. Everywhere you look is expensive flights, horrible traffic, long lines, stern TSA employees (we hope not!) - it can be really overwhelming. So here are some tips for the most stress-free travel this …
Baby Steps Towards Nutritional Success
Changing your eating habits can be a really difficult thing. Why? Well, they're habits--they're hard to break and hard to start. However, not impossible. Taking baby steps, or setting small goals towards an overall eating habit can be a great way to reach nutritional success! It's important that …