Are you feeling stressed with work or school and need some time to recharge? Consider taking a mental health day! A mental health day is time away from your usual responsibilities with the intention of recharging your mental health. Mental health days can help you destress while improving attitude, morale, functioning, efficiency and overall well-being.
Looking for some ways to spend your next mental health day? Here are some ideas!
- Unplug from social media: Spending time offline and spending quality time with friends and family will allow you to be fully present and connect with people you love!
- Spend time outdoors: Go to a local park and enjoy the fresh air and nice weather. Spending some of your day in nature can help rejuvenate your mind and body.
- Get creative! Do an art project like painting or drawing, trying out a new recipe, or doing a puzzle! Doing something you enjoy and creating something new will allow you to use the creative side of your brain and bring you some joy!
- Exercise! Go for a walk, try out a new workout class, or do some yoga. Increasing your physical activity during a mental health day can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Taking a day for yourself has been proven to decrease feelings of burnout, reduce isolation and loneliness, increase productivity, and increase productivity. Mental health days are also important for your physical health, as chronic stress can lead to issues with sleep, digestive health, heart health, and weight.
Written by GUADS intern Alexis, with contributions from