One of the main reasons training consistently is difficult for so many people is the soreness, tightness, or pain that may come with regular exercise. One of the easiest ways to help reduce these symptoms while also increasing your overall strength is by improving your hip mobility. A good workout that you can perform daily to improve your hip mobility will only take 10 minutes at most. The best part about it is you don’t need any equipment for most exercises. Here are 8 easy exercises you can do almost anywhere to improve your hip mobility!
- Open/Close the Gate:
Walk in a straight line about 10 steps forwards and then 10 steps back using each step to conduct the exercise. To open the gate you want to keep your hips aligned facing forward and raise your knee to your chest and then move it as far outwards as you can while keeping the rest of your body still. When you close the gate you want to raise your knee outwards where you ended opening the gate and then finish it so your knee ends at your chest.
- Carioca:
Move sideways in a line while crossing your feet over each other during each step. Make sure while taking the step and crossing over you are rotating your hips in the direction you are crossing your feet.
- Lunges:
Take about 10 steps on each leg forwards making each step a lunging movement going through it in a slow and controlled manner. Do the same thing this time doing lateral lunges on each side.
- Leg swings:
Find support holding onto a stable surface and keep your body tight and still. Take turns swinging each leg as far forward and backwards as you can at a medium pace in a controlled way. Now swing your leg outwards and across your body. Do both forward and lateral leg swings on each leg for 30-45 seconds each.
- Hip CARs:
Get on all fours while rounding your spine slightly towards the sky. Raise one leg and keep your knee at a 90 degree angle throughout the workout. Begin by raising your foot towards the sky. Keep your knee at a 90 degree angle while rotating your hip so that your knee is brought up towards where your elbow is. Repeat this movement for about 45 seconds to a minute on each side.
- Frog Squats:
Position your feet so that they are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Push your butt as close to the floor as you can get and place your elbows and arms inside your knees so that they are almost pushing them outwards. Hold this position for about 1 minute.
- Hip 90/90:
Sit on the floor and place one leg in front of you and one leg behind you. Bend your knee so that both legs are at a 90 degree angle. Lean forward towards your front knee as far as you can and hold that position for 45 seconds to a minute alternating which leg is in front and behind
- Pigeon Pose:
While on the floor, place one leg in front of you so that your knee is bent inwards and your foot is coming toward your chest. With the other leg, place it behind you so it is fully extended going straight backwards. Lean forwards bringing your chest to your knee and hold for about a minute on each side.
Good hip mobility leads to a load of benefits including reduced pain and stiffness in areas such as the knees, lower back, and even shoulders. Good hip mobility creates stronger hips which helps reduce injury and maintain better posture ensuring you live a healthier life and have more durable hips.
Written by GUADS intern Robert, with contributions from and