Social Anxiety is a common barrier for people, with constant access to our phones, it makes it easier to avoid social anxiety instead of dealing with it head on. In this article a few different solutions will be offered to help you deal with social anxiety.
Dealing with social anxiety in this way is often a fairly easy avenue to take. In a group setting see if anyone has something you immediately have in common, such as the same shoes as you, or the same jacket. Being able to relate to someone gives you common ground to initiate conversation on. Doing this allows you to push past that anxiety by making a friend. It does not have to be physical either, it can be a compliment or even just attending the same school, coffee shop, etc!
Make It A Game
Another great way to deal with social anxiety is making it a game to get past it. How would you do that? Small little checkpoints such as making it a game by talking to one person. Doing this builds self confidence by giving you a sense of accomplishment completing the task.
Do It Scared
Fear is often associated with negative emotions. From a mindset point of view, changing it to accept fear is a way to deal with social anxiety. Knowing you do not want to be in a social setting and doing the task is scary. Doing the task scared though helps build the idea it is ok to do it scared and social anxiety does not have to be debilitating.
Remember, social anxiety is a very common occurrence that many people experience. Through small ways, it is possible to deal with it and overcome social anxiety one step at a time. Get out there and face social anxiety. You got this!
Written by GUADS intern Justin