On the internet these days, there are so many influencers who don’t always provide factual information. They promote fad diets and tell you what you should and should not be eating. However, most of the time these influencers have no nutrition background. I’m here to debunk some of those myths. Let’s learn about a few nutrition myths and facts!
Myth: Carbs are bad for you.
Fact: The tight type of carbs are important for maintaining energy.
Myth: Eating once a day is a good way to lose weight.
Fact: Inconsistent meal times can cause your body to go into starvation mode.
Myth: Consuming carrots will improve you vision.
Fact: Carrots are good for you, but eating them in excess won’t give you 20/20 vision.
Myth: Eating fat will make you fat.
Fact: Natural fats are good for you and should be part of a well-balanced diet.
Myth: Juice cleanses will help you lose weight.
Fact: A juice cleanse isn’t sustainable and you don’t get all the nutrients your body needs.
Myth: You have to stop eating at 8 pm every night.
Fact: If you body is hungry at night, give it a light healthy snack. You don’t need to completely stop eating.
Written by GUADS staff member Emily, with contributions from medstarhealth.org