On the internet these days, there are so many influencers who don't always provide factual information. They promote fad diets and tell you what you should and should not be eating. However, most of the time these influencers have no nutrition background. I'm here to debunk some of those myths. …
To Oat Or Not To Oat?
Lately, I have been on an aggressive oatmeal kick - I love the texture, it keeps me feeling full, and it's a great way to add in some nuts, seeds, and fruit into my diet. However, for all of the good things I have heard about oatmeal, I have also heard through the wellness grapevine over the years …
Feeding Facts: Exploring Common Food Myths
In a world where dietary advice is plentiful, it is easy to believe common myths about food. From carbs, to fat, to protein, to magically boosting our metabolism, there exists many misunderstandings about food and nutrition. However, separating fact from fiction is crucial in order to make educated …
Thank you for the advice, may I have some more…
From all of the advice you've been given over the years, whether or not you asked for it, some of it may be worthwhile to listen to, but how do you determine which is and which isn't? Being a personal trainer, I’m always walking around the gym and hearing a ton of conversations about what you should …