As we are driving to the beach, one of our favorite things to do is wake up early, strap our shoes on, and go for that run on the beach with perfect views of the sunrise. There really is nothing better and more relaxing than that view. Now, we wake up the following morning and go for another run and our legs are shot. Rookie mistake? Possibly, but there’s no way we’re giving up that view. Luckily, here are some tips to keep you running on the beach and enjoying that sunrise or sunset.
Warm Up:
Running on the beach is more taxing on the legs, feet, and body than pavement. For that reason alone, make sure to take the time to properly warm up. Perform some bodyweight lunges, squats, and butt kicks to get your legs moving. Take some time to stretch your feet out as well. Perform some ankle rotation and calf raises to prep your feet for the taxing nature of running on the beach.
Run For Time:
When you first get to run on the beach, run for time not distance. It is easy to get sucked into running for miles on the beach and this is the “rookie mistake.” I promise your legs will not like you the next morning. So when you are starting on the beach set an amount of time spent on the beach such as 10-12 minutes and work your way back to the pavement. Your legs will thank you. Lastly, if you wish to run for distance, add distance gradually. This will prevent injury and keep those views you enjoy.
Keep in mind the slope of the beach. The slope of the beach makes your ab/adductors, hips, and body in general work even harder. My tip to you is to switch your directions. If you run the same direction on the beach this can lead to overuse and injury of those muscles and ligaments. Plan a different route and run the opposite direction on the beach to even things out.
My last piece of advice is to keep your running on the beach to a maximum of 3 days per week. Keep on running, enjoy the sunrise or sunset, and take a second to capture the moment.
Written by GUADS staff member Patrick with contributions from