I’m getting to the point in the year when I can see the finish line, but I’m struggling to keep myself motivated. I feel a little burnt-out, overwhelmed, and ready for a much-needed break. I know the end of the school year is near, but lately I’ve found myself needing encouragement to keep going. Does this sound like you? Do you feel like you’re been pushed to your limit and you’re not sure if you have anything left in you? Luckily, I was able to find some helpful hints on what to do when you need to stay motivated!
Set a goal
If you know what you’re working towards, the process can feel less daunting. Setting a goal may help you feel as if you have more control over the situation, rather than having a million things running through your mind. Once you have a realistic, concrete goal set, visualize yourself achieving it! This is a tied and true method for athletes before they head into a big race or game. Seeing is believing, and if you can picture yourself achieving something, it may help you actually do so.
Ask yourself why this goal is important
You most likely wouldn’t be working towards something that you didn’t care about, but it can still help to write down why it’s essential for you to achieve it. Seeing a physical list of some of these reasons can act as little reminders and motivators when you start to get discouraged. By having an already made list reasons of why this goal means something to you, you can quickly and easily remind yourself of why you should continue to work towards your goal.
Have a plan of action
Now that you know what you’re working towards and why you’re working towards it, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to achieve it. Break your goal down into smaller, more manageable parts. What can you realistically get done in a specific amount of time? Maybe setting a weekly schedule of what you need to do will help you achieve your goal, or do you need to break it down day by day? Everyone is different, but what’s important is that you’re honest with what will work for you.
Ask for help!
A solid support system is imperative for achieving goals. It can be difficult to be your own cheerleader, and sometimes you just need a little external encouragement. Think about the different people in your life who may be especially encouraging, or a positive influence on your work ethic. It can help to share your goals with people so that you aren’t alone in the process. Don’t be afraid to tell people when you need a little support or help.
Written by GUADS staff member with Emily with contributions from forbes.com