What do you think about when exercising? Is it a time for you to let you mind wander, or do you tend to stay focused on the task at hand? I recently found myself becoming incredibly bored when working out and started to question if I could incorporate some meditation or mindfulness techniques into …
Improving Your Health Care In 2 Minutes: Episode 4
Welcome to the final episode of Improving Your Health Care in 2 minutes! Last episode was on "Your Healthcare, Your Choice" (read it here!) and today's will cover "Taking Charge"! While we of course need healthcare professionals, I think sometimes people forget that it is ultimately up to you to …
Improving Your Health Care In Two Minutes: Episode 3
Welcome to the 3rd episode of Improving Your Health Care in 2 minutes! Last episode was on "How To Communicate With Your Doctor" (read it here!) and today's will cover "Your Healthcare, Your Choice"! While we of course need healthcare professionals, I think sometimes people forget that it is …
Improving Your Health Care In Two Minutes: Episode 3Read More
Improving Your Health Care In Two Minutes: Episode 1
Real talk time: Have you ever gone to see a doctor and been diagnosed with or prescribed something that didn't quite feel accurate? This happens; and I'm not blaming doctors here - they have very little time to see each patient and while they are often doing their best to help you, they are not in …
Improving Your Health Care In Two Minutes: Episode 1Read More
Blue Light Glasses
Do you ever get headaches from staring at a screen all day? I know I do. As a college student, I basically live on my computer. I am always doing work, which is the case for a lot of people. However, staring at a screen all day, especially at night can be harmful for your eyes and your sleep habits. …
The Small Decisions Matter!
The little decisions you make throughout the day can make a huge impact. You might not realize the small decisions you have each day. Let’s take a step back and find a few ways that you can get your body moving more throughout your everyday life without going to the gym or a fitness class. Take the …
Your Shoes Could Be Killing Your Workout
Now I'm sure you've heard that getting the right type of workout shoes is important. Have you really looked into this, though? Probably not--I know I haven't! Even though there are endless shoes for the seemingly endless types of workouts, most people just buy whatever shoe fits and feels …
The Detox That Actually Works
Diet culture - stop trying to make detoxes happen. They're not going to happen! Fun fact - did you know that your body naturally detoxes itself? And that you don't need detox teas, apple cider vinegar shots, or any other nonsense of the like? It's true! Your liver, for example, filters your blood …