Everyone has their bad days and sometimes it may feel like our insecurities are all we can focus on. Staying in this state of mind can be detrimental to our mental health, it is important to recognize our self-worth and strengthen our confidence. Here are some activities you can try to build your confidence.
Pick a hobby and focus on it.
We all have hobbies that put us in a happier mood. If you’re passionate about it, it would help boost morale and set aside hurtful distractions that you’d usually dwell on. Even if you don’t have one, try out something new and see how it makes you feel!
Create a list of goals you would like to accomplish.
Having an idea of goals, you would like to accomplish can give you the habit of feeling inspired to face a new task. After all, having an improved self-confidence comes from having healthy habits. Make accomplishing these goals a habit!
Reward yourself.
Reminding yourself of the progress you’ve made is extremely important when improving self-confidence. Try to nurture yourself after creating progress by treating yourself to that new lipstick you’ve been eyeing, or a solo-date to that movie that just came out.
Focus on you and your strengths.
It can be easy to dwell on the negatives and begin the self-loathing process, especially when times are difficult. But remember, taking the time to appreciate yourself and recognizing your strengths can make you proud of yourself when feeling low.
Having a boost in your self-confidence starts with YOU. How will you try to improve your self-confidence today?
Written by GUADS Summer intern Carla with contributions from www.upskillcoach.com