From all of the advice you’ve been given over the years, whether or not you asked for it, some of it may be worthwhile to listen to, but how do you determine which is and which isn’t? Being a personal trainer, I’m always walking around the gym and hearing a ton of conversations about what you should be doing, how often, how much you should lift, etc… Spoiler: much of the advice given is full of myths. Advice isn’t all bad however; the last thing I want is for you to get hurt, so read on for some advice to take with you going into the gym:
Common Myths:
- No Pain No Gain.
- Lifting Weights Will Make You Bulky.
- It Worked For Me So It Will Work For You.
- You Need to Lift Weights Everyday.
-Listen To Your Body: If something is hurting, listen to it. Take a break, come back, and try again. If something feels weird or you’re questioning that unsolicited advice, ask a trainer at your gym, and they will help you. While we all need exercise, it should not be painful, nor unenjoyable! “Painful gains’ can lead to injury and it is not a sustainable way to workout if you are hoping to make long-lasting changes.
-Rest and Recover: Rest is key for letting your muscles recover. Take some time off from the gym and find something that you enjoy. This could be hiking, cycling, gardening or anything that keeps you active and moving on those important rest days.
-Consistency: I know I just said to take rest. From a consistency standpoint, keep a schedule that keeps you going. Don’t let that rest day throw you off course and turn into a week recovery.
-Be True To You: Don’t let someone tell you what to do. If you don’t enjoy it, then don’t do it. Find something that you enjoy, Fitness isn’t just about getting ripped and strong, it’s about learning to love movement in a way that works for your unique self!
Written by GUADS staff member Patrick with contributions from and edited by GUADS staff member Kate