Whether you’re working out on your at-home treadmill or going to the gym, treadmills are one of the most popular pieces of workout equipment. If you want to get more out of your cardio, try using the incline feature on the treadmill to increase the intensity of your workout without increasing the …
Need More ZZZ? Try These!
Winding down after a long day of work or school can be a challenge for many people, especially in today’s society which has the constant “go, go, go” mentality. I used to be this way; I would have a hard time getting myself to feel relaxed before bed, it would take me hours to finally drift off, and …
How To Make The Perfect Smoothie (That Will Keep You Full!)
Have you ever made yourself a delicious, seemingly healthy smoothie for breakfast only to feel hungry again an hour later? Yep, us too. While your body loves a good dose of the fiber you get from produce, only adding produce (especially fruit) in a smoothie can cause your blood sugar to spike and …
How To Make The Perfect Smoothie (That Will Keep You Full!)Read More
Standing Desks: The Why and The DIY
Standing desks are an increasing trend and for good reason: sitting and general sedentary time is known to be a prominent risk factor for many health conditions diseases. Outcomes from excess sitting and sedentary time are almost similar to those of smoking cigarettes. The purchase (or creation!) of …
4 Of The Most Effective Muscle Builders
Consistent movement and exercise will undoubtedly help you build muscle, but not all exercises are equal in terms of fast muscle building! Admittedly, there are many different methods to build muscle, but there are a few exercises that are preferred by professional trainers. One trusted method of …
De-Stress Like The Dutch
The days are shorter, the workload is picking up; we are definitely in the full swing of Winter! While this is my favorite time of the year, I notice my stress level creeping higher and higher. I have always been one to go on a walk outside when I'm stressed, and I've always loved walking when it's …
The Magic Of Vitamin D!
What's the first thing you think of when you hear Vitamin D? Probably sunshine, right?? If so, you are on the money! Our bodies produce Vitamin D as a reaction to sun exposure, but it is not actually a vitamin - it's a precursor of a hormone. Regardless of the misnomer, this wonderful nutrient is a …
5 Ways To Keep Yourself Moving
We get it; sometimes life can get in the way, making it difficult to make time for exercise. In some cases, our bodies might still be recovering from an injury and limit us from participating in certain exercises. Even if you are struggling to find time in your day, below are 5 simple ways that can …