So you were rejected from the job you interviewed for. Now what? Everyone, at some point in their careers, experiences rejection. It feels pretty disappointing - right? Especially if it was a job or internship you were really excited about. No matter how bummed you are, your next few steps can make …
Look Good, Perform Better?
We’ve all seen that one person in the gym who has a perfectly coordinated workout outfit, or is covered head to toe in Lulu Lemon. But what if actually wearing stylish athletic clothing, or an outfit that makes you feel attractive instead of old stained shorts and a tee shirt at the gym, positively …
Are You Training Efficiently?
How long do you spend at the gym? 30 minutes? 40? 50? 60 minutes or more? Here’s another question for you: are you training efficiently? Meaning, are you getting the most out of your workouts in the least amount of time? Even though it may sound logical, more time spent in the gym doesn’t always …
Design Your Own Circuit Workout
When I don’t know what kind of workout I feel like doing, my go to is always a circuit training workout. I’ve started to come up with my own right before I workout based on what I want to focus on that day. The best part is, there’s no right or wrong way to do this! If you’re short on time, you …
Goal Setting: Making Fitness Dreams A Reality
Do you hope to change something about yourself someday? Maybe you have a desire to workout more, or eat a cleaner diet, or sleep better? While sustainable behavior change takes time and consistency, it is most certainly possible! As a Clinical Health Coach in training, behavior change is constantly …
Travel Friendly Fitness
Are you finding that you’re too busy to make it to the gym some days? Sometimes life, school or everyday obligations pile up and you just can’t find the time for that daily workout. Additionally, travelling for work, vacation and holidays may make you feel behind on your fitness goals. Rather than …
Benefits of Group Exercise
Feeling like you want to workout but have no idea where to start? If you’re new to the gym or just feeling like shaking up your current fitness routine, try a group exercise class! Joining a class not only holds you accountable to a workout routine, but provides a fitness foundation for you to use …
Tips For A More Efficient Week
I don't know about you, but I am a "wake up early to number my to-do list that day" type person. With the amount of things we all have to do in a day, I think a lot of people are in the same boat - we want to make the most out of our days! Below are some of my favorite tips for an efficient week! …