It’s been a good winter putting on weight, muscle and size. Now, it is officially Spring! This means the holidays are behind us and we have some warmer weather and sunny days ahead. It’s time to start cutting and get shredded for your vacations! Here we will be breaking down the best way to start cutting and get shredded.
Calorie Deficit
The best way to cut fat and lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit. Eating fewer calories than what your body needs (burned calories during the day) is how you achieve a caloric deficit. Now please DO NOT go crazy with how you limit your calories. It is recommended that you only drop about 10-15% when you are cutting to see that definition.
High Fat Diets
You read that right. Eat a high fat diet. A diet of healthy fats of course. When you eat a high fat, low carb the body will be in a state of ketosis. This will help you burn fat and make you feel less hungry. This type of diet should not be performed long but will help get you shredded. Some good sources of fats are nuts, lean meats, seeds, and avocados.
To start the cutting process you are going to want to perform longer cardio sessions than you would in the Fall/Winter. This will help increase the number of calories burned to achieve your caloric deficit. More importantly, this cardio should be of moderate intensity. This will help you perform cardio longer, maintain oxygen levels, and most importantly burn fat!
Strength Training
It’s time to put away your 1RM and stop pushing heavy weights around consistently. Instead, it’s time for medium weights, high sets, and high repetitions. I’m speaking 3-4 sets of each exercise with a repetition count of 15-25. This will still build size but will create definition, helping you get shredded!
Happy Spring!
Written by GUADS staff member Patrick with contributions from