Does this title feel like a personal attack? It’s not, we promise! We are here to get you over your FOWO (Fear Of Working Out). Do you often find yourself wanting to work out but you are scared to go to the gym, and risk being embarrassed? Do you lack the mental motivation to go in public and work out alongside others?
Below are some tips on how to overcome this fear of physical activity. Here we will help you reduce your fears and provide you with methods on how to become more physically active without being anxiety filled. Working out may seem scary, but it doesn’t have to be!
Do you fear looking foolish?:
You might start to feel foolish if you can’t figure out how the machines work or aren’t sure if you’re doing an exercise correctly, but there is no reason to feel foolish. A way to combat this fear would be to ask a gym employee to demonstrate the machines, or ask a friend to tag along and help. If these two tips aren’t possible you could also look the machines up online before attending the gym!
Do you fear pain?:
Some people may avoid exercise fearing that there’s nothing but pain in store for them. But exercise doesn’t have to hurt. It’s normal to feel discomfort when you first start exercising, but your body is slowly changing and eventually this discomfort will die down. A way to help with this, would be to properly stretch your body before completing any exercises.
Do you fear being injured?:
As a beginner, it can be quite easy to strain a muscle or tweak something, but here are some steps you can take to reduce the chance of injury.
- Warm up/stretch before your workout
- Educate yourself on proper form
- Wear proper clothing and footwear
- Don’t overdo yourself stay within your fitness level
“Getting over gym phobia begins by identifying what may cause you to feel overwhelmed when you enter a gym or think about going to the gym.” – Fitness 19
Written by Brittney Dolina with contributions from Fitness 19