These days we can't get around the fact that we are always looking at a screen. So many jobs are remote, and even if they're not, it is still common to work on some sort of device. Between our phones and laptops, we're looking at screens way more than before. Since we know that we can't necessarily …
Why You Should Avoid Sugars In The Morning
Who doesn’t enjoy a nice sweet treat to start off their day? I know I do! Donuts and pastries are an easy and delicious morning meal. It’s very tempting to go for your morning coffee and pick up a sweet treat too! However, sugar in the morning is not great for you. Here are some reasons why and …
Have Fun Learning To Run!
What has been stopping you from running? Is it the endurance aspect of it, or do you have a hard time staying engaged in something for a long time? Running has been proven to increase your bone density, prevent high blood pressure, and decrease stress! If you're looking for ways to improve your …
Is it Time to Switch Up My Routine?
As a creature of habit, I rarely change up my workout routine. It takes a while (I’m talking months) for me to feel the need to switch up my practice. I’m someone who likes to stick to a schedule most of the time, and for me, the upside of performing a similar workout routine every day means that I …
How to Create Your Own Lifting Program
Many people want to get into lifting. However, they don’t always know where to begin. From a personal trainer, here are a few tips as to how to order your exercises if you want to begin lifting. Multi-jointed to Single Jointed You might be thinking: what on earth does that mean? I’m going to …
Daylight Saving Time’s Impact Mental Health and Seasonal Depression
As we set our clocks back and transitioned to Standard Time last weekend, experts are warning about the potential impact of Daylight Saving Time on mental health and seasonal depression. While the extra hour of sleep might be a welcome change for many, the decreasing daylight hours can take a toll …
Daylight Saving Time’s Impact Mental Health and Seasonal DepressionRead More
5 Tips To A Stronger Push-Up
The push-up could be called a powerhouse of a body weight exercise. The push-up works almost every muscle of the body. During a push-up you are working your chest, deltoids, triceps, core, glutes and legs. Now the push-up seems like a pretty simple exercise. Get into a plank position, lower your …
Who Knew How Good Foam Rolling Is For You?
Have you ever seen those random foam rollers at the gym before? They look like they are useless, but they can actually be extremely beneficial. Before any workout I do, I make sure to roll out my muscles. These rollers are great as a manual therapy tool for warming up for a workout and as a recovery …