Looking for a fun at-home workout? If you are then this ones for you! I designed this workout to get my clients moving! I love it because it is a full body workout that can be done almost anywhere. Whether you’re on a beach, at home, or at the gym, this workout will certainly get your heart pumping!
The Workout
100 Jumping Jacks
90 Mountain Climbers
80 Russian Twists
70 High Knees
60 Step Ups
50 Reverse Lunges
40 Sit Ups
30 Standing Calf Raises
20 Push Ups
10 Jump Squats
Optional: If you wish, you can add weights to certain movements such as the mountain climbers, step ups, reverse lunges, and the standing calf raises!
It’s important to note that you should rest between each movement for 30-60 seconds so you don’t fatigue yourself. If you need to rest in between each movement, go right ahead! The full workout should take you around 45 minutes to an hour.
Written by GUADS staff member Emily Hayburn