Do you want to challenge yourself like no other? 75 hard is a fitness challenge that takes discipline, hard work, and mental strength. It is 75 straight days of bettering yourself. It is not an easy task, but can have tremendous results.
75 Hard
- Two 45-minute workouts a day – make sure one is outdoors
- Drink one gallon of water a day
- Read 10 pages of a motivational or self-help book a day
- Eat clean – no cheat meals
- No alcohol
75 Soft
- Eat well and only drink on social occasions
- Train for 45 minutes every day, with one day a week for active recovery
- Drink three liters of water a day
- Read 10 pages of any book a day
75 hard can be difficult to add to your daily life. Two workouts a day can be very time consuming. However, if you can manage it, give it a try! If you still want to challenge yourself, but think 75 hard may be too tough, try 75 soft. It is another great challenge to improve yourself in all aspects of health.
Written by GUADS staff member Emily, with contributions from