Today is the first day of 2023 – how do you feel? Motivated? Overwhelmed? Still groggy from last night? Many people make New Year’s resolutions revolving around diet, however they are frequently vague – like “eat better” or “drink more water”. While those are wonderful resolutions to have, it can be hard to stick with goals that lack a lot of detail and structure (see my post on making SMART goals here). Below are some small diet tweaks that can make a big difference when it comes to a bigger resolution of eating better or losing weight!
Start Each Morning And Each Meal With 8oz of Water:
Drinking more water is an amazing resolution because it is essential for detoxing and nourishing all our organs but many people don’t drink enough of it. Prepare a glass of water before you go to bed so you have it waiting for you when you wake up in the morning and then try setting a reminder on your phone for extra insurance. Eventually practice becomes habit, and you will be drinking an extra 24oz of water on top of what you normally drink in a day (it will also help you consume less calories!)
Stick To The Outer Circle Of The Grocery Store:
When it comes to eating “better”, one of the biggest factors is not having processed, junk food readily available at home. When you grocery shop, stick to the outer edge where the produce and meat is kept – the aisles in the middle are typically full of the most processed and sugary foods! If you have to stock up on things other than fresh produce and whole foods, make a list and stick to it!
Keep Good Snacks On Hand:
Many a worthy diet change endeavor can be thwarted by not having healthy snacks around. We’ve all been there – you wait too long to eat or you’ve had a long day and all the sudden you’re starving and you eat the closest thing you can find, which is often not a fruit or vegetable I always buy apples, mandarin oranges, and carrots with hummus so if I need something to grab on the go or I’m craving something sweet or crunchy, I always have a healthy option on hand in between meals.
Prioritize Meal Prepping:
This is a huge one when it comes to eat a cleaner diet. Take a look at your schedule and find a time when you can consistently meal prep each week. This includes planning dinners, making grocery lists and cooking things ahead of time for when you get busy!
Here’s to a healthier and happier New Year and New Diet!
Written by GUADS staff member Kate