If you have an especially busy day without much time to work out, this Pilates arm workout from Cassey Ho is a perfect exercise to do in between obligations. You don’t need any equipment, one circuit takes less than 5 minutes, and it WORKS.
Pilates Arm Sculpt Workout:
- Golf Balls: Sit in a comfortable position. Raise your arms into a T-position, bend your elbows slightly and cup your hands as though you’re holding a golf ball in each hand (palms face up!) Begin making small circles forward with your arms. Do this for 30 seconds and then change directions so you are making circles backwards for another 30 seconds. Don’t put your arms down between exercises!
- Tri-cep Pushes: Face your palms forward as if you are signaling ‘Stop’, then bend and straighten your elbows as if you are pushing something away from you. Even though you are pushing air, make this a very active movement so that you will feel it in your tri-ceps and shoulders. Repeat for 30 seconds.
- Walnut Crusher: Bring yours arms to your side in a T-position again and then bend your elbows 45 degrees so your palms face forward and fingers point up. Move your arms back making tiny rainbow shapes with your elbows, and squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you have a walnut between your shoulder blades that you are trying to crack. Do this for 30 seconds.
- Prayer Pose: Bring your elbows, forearms and palms together in front of you so that your biceps are parallel to the ground and your forearms are parallel to your body with your fingers pointed up. Keeping your elbows, forearms and palms flush together, slightly lift your arms up and down toward your nose. Do this for 30 seconds.
- Repeat! If you want even more burn, take a quick break after this first circuit and then repeat all exercises without dropping your arms. I promise if you do all 4 exercises without dropping your arms, you will feel strong and so accomplished! Have fun!!
Written by GUADS staff member Kate with contributions from Blogilates.com