Chances are that your local gym has a TRX training system hanging on the wall or even offers a TRX group fitness class. TRX suspension training builds muscle, increases core strength, and improves flexibility using only your bodyweight. Next time you walk by the TRX or think about taking a class, definitely give it a shot and fall in love with the training system like I did.
TRX Is For Everyone:
It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced trainer, the TRX training system is for everyone. There are a lot of modifications that you can make with the TRX to make an exercise easier or more difficult, depending on your current fitness level. Throughout a TRX workout, you will adjust the straps to different lengths to work different body parts and change the angles to challenge yourself even more, while moving at your own pace.
Building Your Core:
The TRX training system is a great way to strengthen your core and to get six pack abs. Performing ab exercises with the TRX will challenge your abs like they never have been challenged before, so give it a shot. The TRX suspension trainer is always strengthening your mid-section with any exercise that you perform. The TRX also helps strengthen your low back when performing ab exercises, so if you are experiencing low back pain, the TRX could help provide relief.
Low Risk Exercise:
If you are a person who experiences chronic pain, is nervous about traditional weight training, or is even rehabbing an injury, the TRX is a great way to get all of the benefits of traditional weight training with much less risk. Since the TRX is easy on the joints, it has been shown that there is a much lower risk of new injury or exacerbating a current injury. The TRX allows you to build strength as well as work on mobility and flexibility all without the concern of getting injured.
TRX Is A Complete Workout:
TRX suspension training is a fabulous way to get in a full body workout. The TRX workouts can be a mix of core training, strength training, and even a cardio workout. If your gym offers a TRX group fitness class, give it a try, and you will fall in love with it. It will challenge you no matter what your skill level is, and you will see improvements rapidly. These workouts may be no walk in the park, but like always with the TRX, you are in control with how difficult the exercise will be.
Written by GUADS staff member Patrick with contributions from