The start of the Fall semester is here! Even if you aren’t ready to hit the gym or for in-person group fitness classes, we at Get Up and Do Something will have you covered with a variety of at home workouts that can be done with body weight or anything that you can find at your house for weights, such as your bag of flour. Today’s workout is going to be a Tabata Workout.
Tabata Workout:
To perform a Tabata workout you will have multiple supersets to complete. Each superset will compose of 3 exercises and you will complete each set 3 times. Perform the first exercise at high intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest and then another 20 seconds of high intensity. After completing the second 20 seconds of high intensity then you will move on to the second exercise of the superset and so on and so forth.
For example:
Superset 1:
High knees (20 sec), 10 second rest, High knees (20 sec)
Jump squats (20 sec),10 second rest, Jump squats (20 sec)
Mountain Climber into Push-up (20 sec), 10 second rest, Mountain Climber (20 sec)
*Repeat 2 more times from the top and the move onto superset 2.
The workout:
Superset 1:
High Knees
Jump Squats
Mountain Climber into Push-up
Superset 2:
Russain twists
Superset 3:
Written by GUADS staff member Patrick with edits made by GUADS staff member Kate.