We’ve probably all gotten the “you should really be stretching every day” lecture, and I hate to make you sit through another one; BUT – here’s why you really should be stretching everyday:
Benefits of Stretching
- Flexibility
- Range of Motion
- Increased Blood Flow
- Pain Relief
- Stress Relief
Stretching Routine
If you’ve been struggling to feel motivated in terms of fitness or movement in general, stretching can be a great place to start. Your stretching routine does not have to do 30 minutes long. You don’t have to do a ton of stretches. Make it doable, for you, your time, your schedule. You want to stick to it, so don’t make it overly complex.
- Go slow at first. You’ll want to feel out the stretches to figure out what feels easy, too hard, or just right.
- Start with 10-20 minutes. This is a good range to get in a good stretch, but if you want to take your time with it, feel free.
- Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and avoid bouncing.
- Find the right stretches for you. Take a moment to look up stretches for “lower back” or “hamstrings”–whatever areas you know are more tight or prone to feeling sore than others. Once you’ve got a list of about 10 stretches, there’s your routine.
**If you currently have a current or persistent injury, stretching has the capability to make it worse, so listen to your body and don’t over-do it.
Written by GUADS staff member Toni with contributions from www.healthline.com