Do you hope to change something about yourself someday? Maybe you have a desire to workout more, or eat a cleaner diet, or sleep better? While sustainable behavior change takes time and consistency, it is most certainly possible! As a Clinical Health Coach in training, behavior change is constantly …
Fitness Resolutions You Can Actually Stick With
T'is that special stretch of time between holidays - with New Year's Eve quickly approaching, let's talk about resolutions! New Year's resolutions are sometimes really difficult to stick with; there's plenty of reasons for this, but most of the time it's because the set goals are unrealistic. …
Gain Control of Your Ship and Set Sail Towards Happiness
For those of you reading this I am sure that you are asking yourselves, who is this person? Why should I listen to him? Let me begin by introducing myself. I am an average student, at an underrated university, with extraordinary ambitions. The principles that I am about to speak about are …
Gain Control of Your Ship and Set Sail Towards HappinessRead More