Do you have a desk job that requires you to sit all day? If so, your posture and your overall health could be at risk! A recent study has shown that no amount of physical activity and exercise can fight off the dangers associated with sitting all day. Bummer right? In this case, prevention is the …
In a Motivational Slump? Time to Bounce Back
You're avoiding your email, dreading your meetings, and pushing off work till the last minute. Feeling a little burnt out? Tired? Unmotivated? It's not that you don't care--you just can't make yourself do what you know you need to. We've all been there. Being unmotivated doesn't mean your a …
Blue Light and Our Sight
We can’t deny that our screen time has drastically increased over the past decade. A 2014 Nielsen report found that the average adult logs about 11 hours of screen time a day. Consequently, looking at a screen for extended periods of time leaves your eyes feeling strained, dry and blurry. Cell …
New Semester Success
It's that time of year again. The free-to-do-whatever, lazy days and late nights are coming to an end. The start of another school year is approaching quickly. Whether it's your first or last year, the beginning of a new semester can be stressful and overwhelming. Hopefully, the following list of …
Health(ier) Screen Time Habits
Ever feel like you spend your whole day staring at screens? Whether it’s at work, class, home, or even out to eat, televisions, laptops, and phone screens are EVERYWHERE! It may not come as a huge surprise that the average American spends approximately 10 hours per day in front of screens (Nielson, …
When Life Knocks You Down…Stand Back Up
Last week was one of "those" weeks. Nothing was going my way. Back luck was my middle name. Life just kept knocking me down. Check it out... Hurdle #1: Hanging out with my roommate in the kitchen. Making dinner, laughing and talking about the weekend. So I go to open my kitchen cabinet and a tub of …
How do your needs stack up?
In 1943, Abraham Maslow determined that four basic needs must be met in order to begin the process of self-actualization: physiological, safety, belongingness, and esteem. This would later become known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the foundational model for modern psychology and behavioral …
Gain Control of Your Ship and Set Sail Towards Happiness
For those of you reading this I am sure that you are asking yourselves, who is this person? Why should I listen to him? Let me begin by introducing myself. I am an average student, at an underrated university, with extraordinary ambitions. The principles that I am about to speak about are …
Gain Control of Your Ship and Set Sail Towards HappinessRead More