With Christmas only days away, the aroma of chocolate and peppermint is taking over coffee shops and filling grocery aisles, and everywhere we look are images and advertisements for candies and festive sweets. The last month has no doubt been endless holiday parties, and family get-togethers. And …
How To Make Football Sunday Snacks Healthy
Football season has finally arrived. Get ready to snack, drink, and cheer on your team! Tailgates and football parties typically include a lot of beer and a lot of snacks... and why shouldn’t it! However, there are many ways you can make your football snacks a bit healthier. Keep reading for a few …
Easy No-Bake Protein Snack!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Balls This recipe is great to have as a post-workout snack! It is super easy to make, very delicious, and requires no baking! Store them in your fridge for a healthy ready-to-go snack. I personally love making these because of how simple and yummy they are! As a …
Fighting Inflammation with Ginger
Inflammation is the body’s natural response to outside threats such as stress, infection or toxic chemicals. Over time however, immune cells may start to overreact and inflammation may work against us rather than with us. Too much inflammation can harm the gut, joints, heart, lungs, gums and skin. …
Late Night Eating
Sometimes it’s hard to resist having a late night snack right before bed. Maybe you ate dinner hours ago and are craving something salty or sweet, and just have to have a little something before you go to sleep. However, doing so can have some negative effects on your body such as weight gain or …
Portion Size vs. Serving Size
Do you know the difference between “portion size” and “serving size? Is there even a difference? Most people cannot distinguish between these two serving recommendations. A survey of 1,000 adults found that : Nine in 10 Americans say they have at least some understanding of serving size and …
Healthy Halloween Treats!
It’s easy to get spooked from eating too much candy and sweets while celebrating Halloween. Are you looking for festive Halloween snacks that aren’t full of sugar? Here are some quick, easy, and healthy alternatives for fun Halloween treats! Banana Ghosts Start by lining your baking sheet …
Going Out To Eat? Try These Tips!
Going out to eat is something that everyone loves to do. Across the country however, portion sizes have become out of control and are contributing to the quickly rising rates of obesity. It is easy to over indulge without even realizing it. Learning how to decrease portion sizes is one of the …