Have you ever experienced a moment of indulgence that led to overeating? Haven't we all - it's the holiday season?? If it happens once in a while, it’s nothing to worry about. But if it happens frequently, you may wonder if you have an overeating problem which can also be referred to as a “food …
Mindfulness and Exercise
What do you think about when exercising? Is it a time for you to let you mind wander, or do you tend to stay focused on the task at hand? I recently found myself becoming incredibly bored when working out and started to question if I could incorporate some meditation or mindfulness techniques into …
Fall Is Coming…Get Outside!
It’s that time of year again when the temperature starts to drop. Summer is coming to an end and the leaves are about to start changing. It is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy nature. It’s not too hot and it’s not too cold. Here are some easy ways to get your body moving going into the …
How To Practice Mindful Eating
Undoubtedly, we've all heard the term "Mindful Eating" at this point. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present moment through separately acknowledging thought, feelings, and sensations. These practices are being used more and more to calm anxiety, enhance meditation, and - you got it - …
Stretches To Do Before Bed For Better Sleep
Among natural sleep remedies, from drinking chamomile tea to diffusing essential oils, stretching is often overlooked. But this simple act may help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. A 2016 review of studies found a link between meditative movements (such as tai chi and …
What is Mindfulness? A Simple Practice for Greater Wellbeing:
Are you mindful or is your mind full? And how do you tell the difference? The mind is a great tool for problem-solving, but it’s not great at settling down and being with what is. Most of the time, the mind is wandering around in the past or the future rather than in the present. Want to learn how …
What is Mindfulness? A Simple Practice for Greater Wellbeing:Read More
3 Tips for Productive Food Shopping
Making a trip to the grocery store can be stressful, expensive, confusing, and a lot of the time, very time-consuming. We’ve all had those days where we go out to the store with a plan in mind for the items we want to buy, but end up walking out of the store $20.00 over budget, missing key …
How To Tame Anxiety
A moment of vulnerability and honesty: this time last year was probably the hardest and darkest time in my life - there was an incident that caused my anxiety to spike to an all time high, which meant that eating, sleeping, and focusing on work and school were not only a challenge, they felt …