Haven't you heard? Glutes are the new abs! They're all the rage these days. But there's more to strong glutes than meets the eye. A strong gluteus maximus reduces your risk for injuries of the knee, lower back, hamstrings, and groin. If you play sports, strong glutes help you accelerate, decelerate, …
Stop Ignoring That Foam Roller
Using a foam roller has been popular among athletes, coaches, and therapists, but people at all levels of fitness are able to use them. They can be incorporated into a warm-up or cooldown of a workout or part of a daily routine. Sometimes they can be used for therapeutic reasons. Foam rolling is …
Sore Back? Build a Strong Core
Do you ever feel that aching, tired, sore feeling in your lower back? Maybe you feel it when you’ve been sitting at your desk for too long, or even standing without support may trigger you. If you have lower back pain, that soreness right at the lower curve of your spine, you’re not alone. According …
Skip Class: Try At-Home Yoga
I'm sure, at this point, we all know what yoga is. We know what it looks like and we all probably have that one friend who is obsessed with it. To be honest, they're on to something. Yoga can benefit our bodies in so many ways. However, not everyone feels comfortable going to a class or exercises in …
HELP – I sit all day and I can’t get up!
By now, we’ve all heard about the detrimental effects that sedentary behavior can have on our bodies and our overall health. While knowing this information is important, many of us still find it difficult to get enough physical activity in during the day, especially for those who sit at a desk for …
Take a Stand!
If you work a typical nine to five job, you’re well aware that much of your day is spent seated at your desk. With the increased trend in wearable fitness trackers reminding us to stand up every hour, people are beginning to understand the benefits of standing up once every hour. If you don’t wear a …
Ready to Tackle Leg Day?
Leg day is a controversial topic. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some people don't even do it! However, it is a necessary evil. Lower body workouts burn a ton of calories, boost muscle growth, increase power production, and prevent injury! Ready to get rolling? Check out this lower …
Do You Really Need to Stretch?
Some people stretch every day, some stretch occasionally, and others don't stretch at all. Do we really need to stretch? When so much focus is put on aerobics and building muscle, it's easy to forget about something as simple as stretching. Here's why you shouldn't: Importance of …